Exploring Hypnotic Trance to Generate a Newer Framework for Psychotherapy
Naren D. Selvaratnam, Ayesha Badurdeen, Aadhila Biswas, Gevin Linden, Dananjaya Hettiarachchi
This review paper focuses on developing a newer argument to emphasize the use of linguistic principles and theories about thought in hypnotherapy. The authors assume hypnosis as a form of focused state of relaxation effective to alleviate psychological and physiological pain. Further, hypnosis is viewed as a technique to help alleviate discomfort associated with psychological disturbance. To further conduct exploratory research in the future, the present paper elaborates authors’ comprehension of hypnosis. This is further supplemented with the use of relational frame theory to propose a newer framework for psychotherapy. This paper will be of significance as it will provide the required literature support to consider hypnotherapy as a mainstream approach to assist clients to heal and recover from psychological disturbance. Future studies based on the developed argument will continue to demonstrate hypnotherapy’s effectiveness in both medicine and psychology.
Keywords: Hypnotherapy, Focused-State of Relaxation, Psychological Disturbance, AlteredState of Consciousness
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