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Eagan Journal of Contemporary Research (EJCR) welcome contemporary research, which may include but are not limited to:


  • Original Research

  • Reviews

  • Systematic Reviews

  • Action Research

  • Case Reports

  • Policy Analysis


Manuscripts submitted to EJCR should be original and therefore, will imply that the exact manuscript or a manuscript similar to the work submitted has not been submitted earlier nor will be submitted elsewhere concurrently.



Article Processing Fee

EJCR charges a fee of LKR 30000 from the authors to process the submitted manuscripts. This is a non-refundable fee and should be paid as indicated in the payment instructions.



Publication Frequency
EJCR is an annual journal, published in June/July of every year.
We provide immediate access to Journal content and the copyright for published material rests with the authors. All articles published are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0) ( Under this license, anyone may access, copy, distribute, or reuse these articles, if the author and original source is properly cited.
Peer-Review at EJCR
EJCR is a fully peer-reviewed journal. First, each manuscript will be subjected to an initial in- house quality check. This is to ensure that the manuscript is in the proper format and free of any potential issues (such as ethical approval for studies involving human and animal subjects and availability of data). Manuscripts may be returned to authors for clarifications and necessary changes.
Once each manuscript passes the initial quality check, it will be sent to two reviewers who are experts in the area addressed by the manuscript. Depending on the reviewer comments of the two reviewers, the manuscript will be either accepted, requested for revision or will be rejected. If any discrepancy is observed between the comments provided by the two reviewers, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer before making the final decision. The decision will be communicated to the corresponding author in a formal letter along with the comments of the reviewers from the journal office.
You will be invited to revise your manuscript if the editors feel that the manuscript has the potential to be published but requires changes. You will be provided with 20 days to resubmit your revised manuscript to EJCR.
EJCR uses double blind peer-review, which indicates that the identities of the reviewers and the authors would remain anonymous. When submitting the manuscript, you may indicate any specific editors or reviewers who should not review your manuscript. We will respect your request if it does not interfere with the objective and thorough assessment of the manuscript.

m a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.


Preparation of Manuscript

> Format and Style
The authors are required to prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the format and style provided below in order to get accepted and subjected to peer-review process.
  • File format                              
Manuscripts should be submitted in the DOC format
  • Language                              
Manuscripts should be submitted in English
  • Length                                   
There are no restrictions on the word count. However, the authors are encouraged to present   their findings concisely
  • Font                                          
Text of the manuscripts should be in Times New Roman with a font size 12
  • Spacing and layout              
Manuscript text should be double spaced and the manuscript pages should be numbered
  • Footnotes                               
Footnotes are not permitted
  • Abbreviations                       
Abbreviations should be defined upon first appearance in the text. Authors are encouraged to keep abbreviations to a minimum
  • Reference Style                    
APA publication manual latest edition
  • Nomenclature                       
Authors are required to use correct and established nomenclature wherever possible
> Organization
The authors are required to organize their manuscripts as follows:
Beginning section.
  • Title page: Should list the title, authors, and affiliations
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
Middle section
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions
Ending section
  • Acknowledgements
  • Statement of conflict of interest (if any)
  • References
Figures, graphs, and tables
Figures, graphs, and tables should be properly numbered and inserted in the appropriate place in the main manuscript
It is also required to submit figures and graphs in separate files






Title page

The title page should include the title, authors, and affiliations and should be the first page of the manuscript file.




The Abstract should be present after the title page in the manuscript file and should:

  • Not exceed 300 words

  • Not include citations and abbreviations (if possible)

  • Describe the main objective(s) of the study

  • Explain how the study was done without methodological detail

  • Summarize the most important results and their significance




The introduction should include the following:

  • Background, which puts the manuscript into context and enable the understanding of the purpose and the significance of the research. The problem addressed in the study should be described along with its importance

  • A brief review of the key literature

  • Any relevant disagreements in the field related to the research

  • A brief concluding statement stating the overall aim of the work and a comment on whether the intended aim was achieved



Materials and Methods

The Materials and Methods provided should include a comprehensive description of the research to enable any other researcher to fully replicate it. If materials, methods, and protocols included  are well established, authors may cite the articles in which they are described in detail. However, the manuscript should include details on the materials, methods, and protocols used to be understood independent of the aforementioned references. Protocols or specific information for any new method/s used should be included in detail.

Research involving human and animal subjects, and samples


The Materials and Methods section must include the required ethics statement for studies that involve human and animal subjects, and samples.


All research that involves human and animal subjects, and samples must have been approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or an equivalent ethics committee. Upon request, authors must be able to submit a statement from the IRB or ethics committee, which indicates the relevant approval for the research conducted.


In such research, the subjects must have been instructed properly. Their consent should have been obtained by informing them that signing the relevant documents indicates that they have provided their consent to participate in the relevant study. Upon request, the authors should be able to submit a blank, sample copy of the consent form used. The authors must explain in the manuscript itself the reasons if the consent obtained was verbal and not in the written format, or if the consent could not be obtained, or if the consent is not required. It is also required that the IRB or ethics committee to approve the use of verbal consent in place of the written consent and/or lack of consent. Any information that would allow the identification of the subjects should not be included in the manuscript. All efforts should be made to protect the privacy and the anonymity of the participating subjects.


The ethics statement should include the following:

  • The name of the approving Institutional Review Board or equivalent ethics committee Whether the consent obtained from the subjects was in written or verbal form.

  • If verbal, the reason for not having the written consent must be stated and its approval from the IRB or equivalent ethics committee and the way verbal consent was documented should be included along with it.

  • If approval was not obtained, a detailed statement from the authors explaining why it was not required.

  • If the study involves categorizing humans by race/ethnicity, age, disease/disabilities, religion, sex/gender, sexual orientation, or other socially constructed groupings, authors should include the following:

    • An explicit description on the methods of categorizing human populations.​

    • A detailed description defining the categories as much as the study protocol allows.

    • A justification on the choices of definitions and categories, including for example whether any rules of human categorization were required by their funding agency.

    • An explanation on whether the authors controlled for confounding variables such as socioeconomic status, nutrition, environmental exposures, or similar factors in their analysis and if yes, how.

    • It should also be noted that more current, acceptable terminology should be used in place of any outmoded terms and potentially stigmatizing labels, for example,

                                 - In place of “cancer victims”, “patients with cancer” should be used.

                                 - In place of “Caucasian”, “white” or “of [Western] European descent” should be used.



Results, Discussion, Conclusions

The language should be clear and concise and there are no restrictions to the word limit. Each section may be further divided into subsections with a concise subheading, as appropriate.


Figures, graphs, and tables can be used as appropriate in the results section. However, they should be included in the appropriate places in the manuscript.


Together, results, discussion, and conclusions should describe the results of the experiments, interpret them, and draw necessary conclusions. In addition, the authors should explain how the results relate to the hypothesis presented and explain concisely the implications of the findings particularly in relation to previous related studies and include any potential future directions for research.




Authors should acknowledge the sources of funding and those who have contributed to the work with a description of the contribution. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the aforementioned people have agreed to be named.



Statement of Conflict of Interests

At the end of the manuscript and before the reference list, the authors are required to state, “The authors declare no competing interests” or “The authors declare the existence of a financial/non- financial competing interest”.




References should be listed at the end of the manuscript and should be numbered according to the alphabetical order. Citations should not be included in the abstract.


In the reference list, all available work can be cited. However, the following sources should not be cited in the reference list:

  • Unavailable and unpublished work including manuscripts that have been submitted but not yet accepted

  • Personal communications


Therefore, the acceptable sources include:

  • Published or accepted manuscripts

  • Manuscripts on preprint servers, providing the manuscript has a citable DOI or arXiv URL.



Figures, Graphs Tables


> Figures

Figures should be included as appropriate in relevant places in the manuscript. In addition, a  separate document should be submitted with all the figures.


Figures should be numbered in ascending numeric order at first appearance in the manuscript  using Arabic numerals. It should be noted that the “Figure” is required to be abbreviated to “Fig”. An example would be Fig 1, Fig 2, etc. Figure legends or captions should include a brief descriptive title and should be concise and self-explanatory.


> Graphs

Graphs must be of high standard and good quality. To denote points in graphs, solid or open circles, squares, triangles, and inverted triangles may be used. The plots or the lines of the graphs may be solid, pecked or dotted.

It should be noted that the graphs drawn in excel should be submitted separately as excel files.


> Tables

Tables should be numbered in ascending numeric order at first appearance in the manuscript using Arabic numerals. The tables should not repeat data available elsewhere in the manuscript. A caption should be included above each table with a label such as, for example, Table 1, Table 2, etc. along with a brief descriptive title. Footnotes may be included below the table. Each table should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it is first cited.



Author Names and Affiliations

The names of the authors should be included in the title page of the manuscript. Each name should be arranged according to the following order:

  • First name (or initials, if used) Middle name (or initials, if used) Last name (surname, family name)

  • Each author should have an affiliation, which includes department, university, or organization along with its location, including city, state/province (if applicable), and country.

  • If multiple affiliations are there for an author, all affiliations should be included on the title page in the preferred order.



Corresponding Author

The author submitting the manuscript will be considered as the corresponding author. The corresponding author will be the primary contact for the journal office.



Author Contributions

Provide a separate document mentioning at minimum one contribution for each author along with the manuscript. It is the responsibility of the submitting author to complete and provide this information at submission. We expect that all authors have discussed and agreed to the contribution stated ahead of the submission time.



Cover Letter

A separate document should be uploaded as a cover letter along with the manuscript. The length limit is 1 page.

The following should be included in the cover letter:

  • A summary on the contribution of the study to the scientific literature Relating the study to previously published work

  • Specification of article type, for example, research article, systematic review etc.

  • Any suggestion on appropriate Academic Editors to handle your manuscript (optional) Any opposed reviewers (optional)



Plagiarism Policy

EJCR does not allow plagiarism and any kind of manipulation of data and figures with the intention of providing incorrect information.

All the manuscripts submitted to EJCR will undergo a complete check for plagiarism before subjecting to peer review.

Anchor 1

Before submitting your manuscript to EJCR, follow through the steps provided below:

  • Read the guidelines for authors carefully

  • Make sure your manuscript is in accordance with the format requested

  • Make sure your manuscript is organized correctly

  • Read EJCR Policies & Good Practice

  • Confirm the authors list

    • Make sure you have the following information for all the authors listed on the manuscript:

      • Full name, including initials if used

      • Affiliations

      • Email address

      • Author contributions

    • Make sure you have included any potential competing interests

    • Make sure you have disclosed all funding information


Once you have completed the aforementioned steps and ready for submission, follow the payment instructions provided


Pay the ‘Article Processing Fee’ to EJCR and affix the evidence of payment along with your manuscript and other supplemental documents


Submit your manuscript, evidence of payment, and other supplemental documents to

Anchor 2
  • EJCR is a fully peer-reviewed journal and practices double blind peer-review.

  • A reviewer is required to maintain the confidentiality of the manuscripts received and therefore, should avoid from sharing any information associated with the manuscripts received.

  • EJCR believes and expects that reviewers will not use any information they gain from the peer-review process for their personal use or advantage.

  • If a you are provided with a manuscript that you have reviewed previously in another journal, we expect you to consider the manuscript as a new submission as the manuscript could have undergone revision since the last time you have evaluated. It is also your responsibility to inform the editor that you have reviewed a previous version of the manuscript at another journal while submitting your review to the editor.

  • EJCR expects you to complete the review within fourteen days. However, if you require more time to complete your review, please email us at

  • To maintain a quality and efficient peer-review process at EJCR, we use a structured reviewer form to deliver reviewer’s comments to both the editor and the author. The reviewer form will be provided to you along with the manuscript.

  • EJCR expects you to provide an explicit feedback to authors regarding the manuscript and also with any guidance to improve the manuscript, if required, so that the manuscript will be acceptable to publish in EJCR.

  • While you write the review, consider the following:

  • Main claims of the paper and the significance of the claims to the discipline.

  • Whether the claims are organized appropriately in the context of previous literature.

  • Whether the authors have a fair approach in presenting literature.

  • Whether the claims are fully supported by the data provided and the analyses conducted. If not, indicate other evidence required.

  • If the authors have used an already available protocol, identify whether the authors have made any important deviations.

  • If any deviation present, whether the authors have provided an adequate explanation.

  • In circumstances where the present form of the paper is considered not suitable for publication, identify whether the study itself shows sufficient potential and whether the authors should be encouraged to revise and resubmit.

  • Whether the methodology includes sufficient details in order to reproduce the experiments, if required.

  • Whether the manuscript is well organized and clearly written so that the content is comprehensible to even a non-specialist.

  • It is important to note that the purpose of the peer-review process at EJCR is to:

  • Identify whether a paper is technically rigorous

  • Whether the content of the paper is cogent and is of good quality

  • Whether the paper is in accordance with the expected ethical and scientific standards

  • so that the manuscript is acceptable for publication by obtaining expert opinion of reviewers regarding the manuscript under consideration.

  • When revised manuscripts are submitted, we request the original reviewers of the manuscripts to evaluate the revised manuscripts. Thus, we believe you will provide your cooperation during the re-reviewing process.

  • Please note that EJCR does not alter any comments provided by the reviewers, which are intended for authors unless it is extremely necessary. Any such alteration will also be made only upon the approval of the reviewer.

  • Since the final decision to publish a submitted manuscript is made by the Editor based on the comments of the reviewers and his/her own assessment of the manuscript, there might be events where the final decision might not accord with your review.

  • Please note that although the final decision might not accord with your review, your comments and recommendations have been duly considered and your service is highly appreciated.

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